Anjali Sea Foods

Welcome To Anjali
Sea Food

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We Provide you Safe
Healthy Fish

Anjali Seafood is one of the premium seafood processing, trading, and exporting companies in the UAE. We have been offering quality products to our customers since 2015 and we have a track record of happy and satisfied customers. We emphasize professionalism and integrity more than anything, which earned us the reputation of being one of the best at what we do. All our products are completely safe and healthy to consume. There are no anti-biotics injected into the fishes that we trade, and we are against the use of pesticides and anti-biotics too.

We have our operational offices in UAE, Oman, Yemen, and Vietnam. We do the import and export of our products with China, South Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, South Africa. Our efficient and dedicated team of employees makes it easier for us to deliver quality seafood in great condition at affordable prices to the customers.

Reason to choose Anjali

Pesticides Free

No Antibiotics

No Hormone

Frozen at free freshness